Integrative Neuroscience
Integrative Neuroscience Heading link
With a focus on therapeutics, the Integrative Neuroscience cluster will bring together basic and clinical neuroscientists to better understand the biological bases of brain disorders and to develop new and effective treatments for clinical practice.
Fundamental to this endeavor is research that focuses on the neurobiological mechanisms at genetic, molecular, synaptic and systems levels, that underlie the neural plasticity necessary for learning and memory. In a complementary manner, research at these levels is key to identifying the pathophysiology that underlies social, cognitive and affective deficits.
In addition to enhancing UIC’s strength in neuroscience through greater inter-college collaboration in research and training, the Integrative Neuroscience cluster could potentially improve the quality of life for individuals afflicted with a nervous system disorder and reduce caregiver burden.
Scholars selected for the cluster will fill in critical gaps in the chain of discovery that leads to new testing and treatments for cognitive and affective symptoms of brain disorders. They will feature research concentrations in the areas of developmental neuroscience in anatomy and cell biology; neurobiology in biological sciences; social neuroscience in psychology; clinical neurology related to vascular disease; and clinical neuroscience specializing in affective disorders in psychiatry.
Co-Principal Investigators:
Simon Alford
Professor and Head, Anatomy and Cell Biology
College of Medicine
Orly Lazarov
Professor, Anatomy and Cell Biology
College of Medicine
Pauline Maki
Professor, Psychiatry and Psychology
College of Medicine
Thomas Park
Professor and Associate Head, Biological Sciences
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Michael Ragozzino
Professor and Head, Psychology
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Mark Rasenick
Distinguished Professor, Psychiatry, Physiology and Biophysics
College of Medicine
Fernando Testai
Associate Professor, Neurology and Rehabilitation; Director, Vascular Neurology
College of Medicine
Initiative Hire(s):
Chieh Chang (Fall 2014)
Associate Professor, Biological Sciences, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Tory Eisenlohr-Moul (Spring 2019)
Assistant Professor, Psychiatry and Psychology
College of Medicine
Eric Leshikar (Fall 2019)
Assistant Professor, Psychology
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Ciro Ramos-Estebanez (Fall 2020)
Neurocritical Care Division Chief, UI Hospital
Kamal Sharma (Summer 2013)
Associate Professor, Anatomy and Cell Biology, College of Medicine